Monday, May 30, 2011

lead-in and day of Branka's wedding

Friday, May 28, 2010
Can't believe I'm really here!  Beograd-Zemun, Srbija!
Plane late thru Frankfurt, suitcases did not make it, I am the last person thru customes, but I am here and my patien relatives are still there for me with big hugs.. Branka, Joja, Mican, Dusanka, Radojka, Dusa.  A lot calmer today than 10 years ago almost to the day of Miroslav, Milena, Marko and I walking thru customs and being hugged from all sides by a big entourage (for Milena and Marko who-knows-who); less than a year post bombing; post-decade of not much touch with relatives who were displaced (and some killed) during the war; first time meeting sister (an incredible moment for up-to-that-point only child Miroslav).  The coming to Beograd and stepping onto Srbija soil brings all of those memories and than some back instantly.  I go off with Branka and Joja (nieces).  Joja driving.  Branka is director! (haha).. stories and excitement ensue.. we talk mostly about Milena, Marko and Pero.  In the household happiness to see Seja and Zetina (Miroslav's endearment term for his brother-in-law... Zet is brother in law but Zetina makes it sound like tough guy brother in law but really he is sooo mild).  Happiness sparkles in the house, all of us talking about the joy of knowing each other... to think that we almost did not and Seja saying "now Miroslav is her closest surviving relative" ("nemam nikoga blizeg"); we may have all lived on not even knowing each other and it's hard to imagine.
Saturday Milena arrives on train from Italy (visiting Fabbio family) via Rijeka (visiting Ujak..uncle..Boro) and stopping for a midnight dinner with tetka..aunt.. Ljilja in Zagreb.  Branka and Joja pick her up.  I wake up to their giggling with Seja and Zetina. Milena bonding with her sestre preparing for the wedding, running errands, making meza, etc.   Seja and I are working together in the kitchen and loving being together and many times coming back to the thought as Seja says "zamisli da je meni Miroslav sada najblizi na Svjetu" (imagine, Miroslav is the closest living relative on Earth to me now... unspoken, "to think we almost did not know each other existed")  
Pre-wedding night I am watching Blackhawks hockey..not watching but more reading play-by-play hockey Stanley Cup Chicago Blackhawks vs. Philadelphia flyers in 1st game after Chicago swept San Jose Sharks (top record team in the West).  5:00 in morning the birds are chirping, music has been playing all night at a close-by kafic (cafe), the sunrise is beautiful, I walk outside on balcony and look at the scene and just cannot believe where I am because it is overwhelming feeling to be in Srbija, to be by family, to be there for a wedding, to be by family you did not even know 10 years ago but yet it's Miroslav's closest family other than his mom.  Beyond that Hawks win 6:5.  Everything is surreal (even Hawks being in Stanley Cup; me watching highlights and especially the short-handed goal by Bolland)
I will try to post a picture of the sunrise that represents to much awesomeness to me... the whole surreal effect.. don't know whether it will work as I am totally new at this and don't take time to read instructions.

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